664003, г. Иркутск, б. Гагарина, 20.
Sidorov Nikolai Alexandrovich
Sidorov Nikolai Alexandrovich Professor of the department of the mathematical analysis and differential equations of Irkutsk State University, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Honoured Scientist of Russia, member of Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. In 1967 Sidorov N.A. defended PHD titled "Analytical methods in the theory of solutions bifurcation of some classes of integro-differential and integral equations". The title of doctor thesis was "Approximate solution of the bifurcation theory problems and the methods of their regularization"(1983). The basic scientific interests:
Sidorov N.A. is the author of 110 papers, he participated in the main European mathematical congresses, gave lectures at various Russian and foreign universities and mathematical institutes (MSU, MFTI, NSU, the Institute of Mathematics by S.L. Sobolev, the Institute of Hydrodynamics by M.A. Lavrentiev, the Mathematical institute of the Warwick university, the Cambridge university, the Chalmers university, the Fudan university, Engineering university of Hamburg, the Edinburgh university, the Mathematical centre by Banah and ect.). The bibliography The basic publications (1995-2001 years): [1] Sidorov N.A. Parameterization of the prime brunching solutions of a complete rank and iterations in the nonlinear analysis.Izvestiya vuzov,Matematica , 2001, 9, 59-65. [2] Sidorov N.A. Explicit and implicit parameterization for construction of branching solutions by iterative methods. Matemat.sbornik, 1995, 186(2), 129-140. [3] Sidorov N.A., Sinitsyn A.V. The analysis of bifurcation points and nontrivial branches of solutions of a stationary Vlasov-Maxwell system. Matem.zametki, 62(2), 1997, 268-292. [4] Loginov B.V., Rakhimov Z.A. and Sidorov N.A. Gavurin's method in the perturbation theory. Communications of Fields Institute,2000. V. 15, p.30 [5] Sidorov N.A. Abdullin V.R. Interlaced branching equations in the theory of nonlinear equations. Matem.sbornik, 2001,192(7) ,107-124. Given courses: Sidorov N.A. gives lectures on the functional analysis for the students of a speciality "Applied mathematics", and also special courses the nonlinear operator equations, the additional chapters of the theory of linear operators, methods of the bifurcation theory. |
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